
JAB Becker Vehicle Lifts at Straightset

JAB Becker supply a variety of in-ground lifting systems, ranging from passenger car lifts up to the most heavy duty vehicle lifts for trucks/ busses. Their vehicle lifts covers capacities from 3 to 6.5 tonne with a complete variety of supports, like swivelling arms, plate supports and drive-on rails.

Our website showcases some of the JAB Becker Vehicle lift range range, providing product information and specification. (For the most up to date and accurate information please refer to the brochures in the downloads section.)

We recommend that you contact one of our knowledgeable sales teams who can advise you on the right equipment and accessories to meet your needs on 01909 480055.

A large range of Becker spare parts and accessories can be found here: Becker Spare Parts

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JAB Becker & Straightset

JAB Becker is very proud to work with Straightset providing high quality in-ground vehicle lifts into car and commercial workshops for over 15 years.
We look forward to continuing to work together in the future.

Matthias Frohberg, Managing Director
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