2 Post Lifts / Ramps

Our range of 2-Post Lifts have been designed to meet the exacting standards that are required for use in the modern Motor vehicle workshop. We have a great range of in-ground and above ground 2-Post lifts depending upon your requirements. All 2-Post ramps feature a high quality finish, robust build and a range of safety features to comply with all E.U., BSI and Health and Safety regulations. 

We supply a large range of 2-Post lifts from various manufacturers, allowing us to offer our customers solutions that meet their exact requirements. Suppliers include:

  • AMI 2-Post Lifts
  • Nussbaum 2-Post Lifts
  • Space 2-Post Lifts
  • Slift 2-Post Lifts
  • Werther 2-Post Lifts

Whether your looking for electro-mechanical or electro-hyrdaulic, with or without base frames, in a variety of lifting capacities, we have a large range of options and variations to choose from. If you are unsure of the right 2 post ramp for your workshop requirements, you can contact our friendly sales teams on 01909 480055 or [email protected], we are happy to help.

We also have a good range of second hand vehicle lifts available, which have been expertly reconditioned in our fabrication shop.

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